Welcome to Elstow Bunyan Christian Fellowship

High Street  Elstow Bedford  MK42 9XP

We are a warm and welcoming fellowship of people who delight in meeting together and meeting with God.

Our service is at 11.00 am on Sundays followed by tea and biscuits. 

We have a fortnightly Bible Study at present meeting every other Thursday afternoon at Church

Alternate Thursday mornings at 10.30 am we host a vibrant Coffee Morning.

Our Tots Time at 10am remains closed at this present time.

Over £2200 was raised in 2023 at Coffee Mornings from the stall and refreshments
It has all been donated to various charities

Upcoming Services

We’re pleased to announce that we are now meeting in the church on a Sunday morning at 11am for those who feel able to join us.

Sunday February 2nd Alex Bayman

Sunday February 9th Pastor Tony Frost

Sunday Sunday February 16th Richard Crane

Sunday February 23rd Brian Addington Communion

Sunday March 2nd Elisabeth Sweeney-Smith President of the Congregational Federation

Sunday March 9th Pastor Tony Frost

Sunday March 16th George and Geoff Hanson

Sunday March 23rd Rev Stephen Smith

Mothering Sunday March 30th Pam Greener Communion

We are also ‘Zooming’ some services as well. For details of this please email Brian Addington


Other Events

Bible Study 2.15pm

Thursday January 30th

Thursday February 13th

Coffee Morning 10.30am-12noon

Thursday February 6th

Thursday February 20th

All proceeds will go to Charity

In 2024 over £3200 was raised at Coffee Mornings from the stall and refreshments
and has been donated to various charities

Craft Day

Saturday March 8th 10.30am-2.30pm To be confirmed

All welcome. Not crafty. Come along for a chat and cuppa.

Tots Time will no longer run. There is now a Baby and Toddler group every Thursday morning at the Playing Fields. 10am-12 noon.

About Us

Pastor Tony Frost: email TonyFrost@elstowbunyan.org

Secretary: Mrs Rachel Litchfield: email RachelLitchfield@elstowbunyan.org

Treasurer: Mrs Pauline Todd: email PaulineTodd@elstowbunyan.org

Contact Us

email            enquiries@elstowbunyan.org
Tel:           Brian Addington        01234 216080

Find Us

We are located in the village of Elstow which is just south of Bedford  UK
The church can be found at the northern end of the High Street
Postcode for Sat Nav    MK42 9XP

Charity No 1114128